I am living in the American nightmare.
The unwanted American nightmare
where racism is a constant battle
for a majority of the country.
My parents came to the States
to find their American Dream
of a better world
for their children
to not suffer poverty
and a better life.
America gave them
and my siblings a nasty treatment.
If you are different,
you are treated
differently than the rest.
But its not just my family,
its with thousands of others.
I am living in the American nightmare
where there are more guns than people
that causes school shootings,
impacting the young minds
and war within each other.
There are still people
living with no clean water
and living with little assistance.
America the prejudice,
America the savage,
where people prefer to fund
police, military and the privileged.
America the abuser,
where they lose
hundreds of children
in detention camps
or where they support other abusers
in a law stand point
because they work around the system.
There is so much work
that needs to be done.
The state that America is in
leaves more tragic trauma
to so many people including myself—
leaving myself to have sleepless nights.
We don’t need more hate,
we need more love.
We don’t need tears,
we need smiles.
We need more “I can do it!”
and less “I can’t do it.”
We need acceptance,
not shame.
We need to be educated,
not to be ignorant.
We need to be welcoming,
not to be filled with bias
that can be more destructive
than the gunshots and burning fires.
America needs to prioritize its needs.
The funds shouldn’t belong to police,
but should belong to fund
counselors and psychologists to assist the traumas.
The funds shouldn’t belong to the military,
but should belong to fund
doctors to find cures
and teachers to teach the real stuff
and not sugarcoating the curriculum.
The funds shouldn’t belong to politicians,
but should belong to fund
those in poverty,
provide scholarships to attend higher education,
and provide a pathway to citizenship for thousands.
I am living in the American nightmare,
and unless things change,
and America is woke,
to see the toxic trauma
choking to millions a day,
I will be living in the American nightmare.